ALX Dog Walk

ALX Dog Walk


ALX Dog Walk

200 North Washington St
Alexandria, VA 22320 | map | directions
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What do you get when you bring together a community of adorable dogs with people who love to care for the environment and do good works?  Answer:  The ALX Dog Walk and a howling good time!  

Last Apri 2022, our inaugural dog walk drew more than 450 dogs and 700+ people from all over the DMV to historic Old Town Alexandria.  We expect this number to double at next April 29th's Walk!  


7:30-8:30 AM:  Participants check-in at Oronoco Bay Park, receive an awesome goodie bag and t-shirt, grab coffee and donuts, stroll through the Festival of Business Tables, and enjoy the best dog watching in the DMV!  (Walkers will have the option of a Pre-Event Check-In event to grab their swag before Walk day – date to be announced).  

8:30 AM:  The Walk program begins with Chuck Bell, NBC Storm Team4 Meteorologist, kicking-off the morning, and Mayor Justin Wilson and others joining in the welcoming remarks.

9:00 AM:  Walkers and dogs enjoy a 2-mile roundtrip walk beginning in Old Town’s Oronoco Bay Park.  From the Park, walkers and dogs will parade down historic Union Street, take a left onto Pioneer Mill Way by the judging tables, and loop back to the Park along the beautiful Waterfront Walk.  

10:00-11:30 AM:  Monte Durham of “Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta” will host the Awards Celebration, and in collaboration with Chuck Bell, present the Dog Contest Awards and Raffle Prizes. Walkers will enjoy the park filled with biz tables, music, food trucks, doggie treats, and more.


Get your poochies ready to parade by a judging panel and compete for awards in the following categories:  Funniest Personality, Best Groomed, Fluffiest Tail, Biggest Ears, Coolest Plastic-Free/Upcycled Costume, and Twinsies (dog that most resembles its owner!).

The ALX Dog Walk is a plastic-free/recycled plastic event!  #BYOB… bring your own bottle!

Member Since: 2021
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  ALX Dog Walk  

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 (Date: 1/18/2025)

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333 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 302,
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.549.1000